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Try to become the largest hole

Let's become the most brutal invader in, where you develop yourself by eating everything including your opponents to become the strongest on the map.

The principle of this game is quite simple, you just need to go around and swallow all the things you can eat. The strong will be the ruler here, the larger-sized ones will be able to eat things smaller than their size including other opponents. So the early stage is very important because all players have the same kick size. Whoever can eat a lot of things and increase their size first will have the biggest advantage. Before the start of the race, the game will give you 5 seconds to check the map, you must make good use of this time to quickly find the areas with many small objects and move to the ramp before the opponents. player. When you eat a lot of things and reach a certain level you can eat everything. You just need to slide a lot of objects and maintain the largest size until the time ends, then you will be the winner.

Discover 2 maps of

The game has 2 main maps that are urban and rural maps. As the name implies, the urban map has drawn a massive landscape with tall buildings and roads with lots of cars. You can swallow small things like trash to people, but when you're big enough you can swallow houses. Contrary to the urban map, the rural map is quite peaceful. Your food will be from bushes to forests, and in my opinion, you will grow better when choosing a rural map.

Fight in 4 different maps

This game has 4 main game modes: Classic, battle royale, teams, and solo run.

  • In classic mode, you will compete with other opponents for 2 minutes, the goal of all players here is to get the highest score. So you will not be completely removed from this game until the time is up. However, if you are swallowed by other players, you will be frozen within 5 seconds, only 5 seconds but also bring a lot of great benefits to other opponents. If being able to run away from these players is the best way, but if you are the dominant then you should also focus on getting a lot of things.
  • Battle Royal is the most extreme mode of this game, 20 players will also fight on a map. If you get eaten in this game you lose instantly, this game only ends when there is only one player left on the map.
  • The last 2 modes are Team vs team and solo run. Team vs team will help you practice team skills and tighten friendships. In contrast to Team vs team, you will compete alone in Solo run mode, you have to eat everything on the map to end the game. I think this game will exercise your patience when you have to play and eat all the items on the map by yourself. In other modes, objects have the ability to respond, but this game does not require you to find all the small things to eat the big things.